Monday, October 25, 2010


Follow that cheerleader? Yep. You see, I am everyone's personal cheerleader. I love to encourage others. Well, I thought it was cute. I am here to talk about my interests in sports and grow in knowledge in the process. My favorite sports are football and basketball. I am a proud member of the Who Dat Nation. Go Saints! My grandmother and a long list of women are from the Gulf Coast and I grew up there until I was nine. So I love to watch my Saints win, I mean compete. When I am not cheering for them I am supporting the home team, the Atlanta Falcons. When it comes to basketball, my brother is all about the Lakers. I support them as well. I was excited to see them play against the Atlanta Hawks last year. The timing could not be better. It was my graduation day and I got to go to a game with my brother. I saw a lot of celebrities and spent $4 for coke.

I am getting a Master of Science in Entertainment Business. But why a sports angle? This is because my brother is going to be a personal trainer. He wants to do sports conditioning. I thought it would be interesting. Also, I was friends with a pro football player. During that time I thought about writing characters who where in the sports field. I thought this would be a great way to learn about the inner workings of the sports world. My writing will benefit from knowledge. And a bonus is I can have conversations with my brother and know what I'm talking about. My best friend is also a sports junkie. Most of my friends are into sports, if not athletes themselves. Whatever I learn may benefit them someday.  I am looking forward to learning more and more and sharing that with you here.


Sara Jo

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